Monday, February 1, 2010

Ah, medication...

Recently, by the glory glories of a strings/band concert, I was reaqquainted with someone I haven't talked to since middle school. He plays the trumpet.
But as i remember, this guy was an all around great guy. He was loud, funny, hyperactive, bouncy- the kind of guy that got suspended for arguing with the teacher. He was a cool guy. People liked him because he was loud, funny, and in your face. He was the kind of guy that would wave at trees, and run up to strangers and hug them, all the while grinning that grazy grin.
But ahem. Yes. I met up with him at the concert, and lo and behold, he was boring. Quiet. Tired looking. Kind of chubby.
So I asked him, "Hey Tarzan, what the hell happened to you?"
And there came his bleary eyed stare and slow answer, "They put me on medication for my adhd."
I was a bit let down. Yet another example of the doped up youth of today.
But this only made me wonder, how long will it be until I'm put on another mood stabilizer, and another antidepressant and another sleeping pill and so on, Until I'm a zombie too?
How long will it be until they get me?

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