Thursday, November 26, 2009

And now another rambling about AIDS.

In my opinion, Chris Crocker is entirely too serious for a man in eyeliner and lipstick.

....I don't know. I'm just not a big Crocker fan. To be honest, the guy irritates me. He just seems like a big drama queen, the kind of guy no one really likes to hang around for long periods of time.
I find it quite humourous that he spends so much time and energy on his appearance, trying to make himself look feminine, but then keeps the name 'Chris.' He's also kind of obsessed with the fact that he's gay. I took a quick look at his youtube profile, and pretty much every single video on there was about his sexuality or rules on gender. It also annoys me quite a bit that he pretends to hate paparazzi and all that, but then willingly goes on television, and talk shows, and talks to reporters and things of the like.
I believe I would be right in assuming that he's an attention whore?
....Hah. I tried to bring this up in conversation with my girlfriend and was nearly smacked. The sweet, adorable girl I'm dating suddenly turned into a snarling, hormone fueled monster the second I uttered a derogatory word against Chris Crocker. Needless to say, I apolagized.
Why do girls love him so much? Honestly. He's just a guy wearing too much makeup, with a bad haircut and dye job that doesn't go with his facial structure. He wears feminine clothes that don't fit him right, or simply wears mens (boys) clothing for the shock value. He speaks with what sounds like a fake lisp, (its rare to find a gay man with a real lisp) is a loudmouthed, over-emotional pedant, (I hope that's the word I'm thinking of. 'Pedant' means 'know it all', doesn't it?) and seems like the kind of person who, if insulted, would put his hands on his hips, swivel his neck, and exclaim, "Oh no you did-n't!"
I mean really, I love gay men. They amuse me, and are quite fun to be around. I don't throw around slurs or names about homosexual people, (except for maybe the occasional 'faggot', but only when referring to myself in a humble, self depreciating way) and I am friends with quite a few other bisexual people and lesbians...but god, Chris Crocker annoys me.

...In an unrelated note, for some reason I've always thought AIDS patients were some of the most beautiful people in the world, kind of like slightly overweight people, or anorexics.
I know, that's a horrible thing to say, but it's how I feel.
....Hahahahaha. Another thing I absolutely love:
When people tell me not to use the word 'faggot,' that it's offensive, and when people always get on to me for using that word.
But why can't I use it? I'm bisexual, and obviously comfortable enough with myself to use the word. It's kind of like how no one but black people are allowed to say the word 'nigger,' the way only gay bashing people are allowed to use the word 'fag.'
" This is our word and you can't say it!"
What about free speech? I love words! Every single one of them! Even the offensive ones!
We need to take that word back. I would find it extremely humourous if gay people were suddenly to start referring to themselves as 'faggots.'

.....Someone leave me a comment. I hate it when people just read things and don't give any feedback. And I know people are reading this because I know I have views. I don't even care what you say. Send me spam or hate mail if you like. I just love getting comments. They make me have 'wordgasms.'
*added note* -Any comments including angry rants about how I'm an asshole, or how Chris Crocker is amazing and that i'll never be as popular as him, (or other silliness and such) will be met with a steady 'LOL.' Even more so if it includes the phrase 'LEAVE CHRIS CROCKER ALLOOONEEEEEEE!'

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This post could be considered stereotyping.

I've lived in this cramped, dirty apartment for about three months now, and all I have to say is this:

It is impossible to have a 'clean' apartment. If you have a clean apartment, then obviously you're living in a condo, and living a lie.

....I'd also like to clear up the confusion between condomoniums and apartments. Apparantly some people have been misinformed.

An apartment is a dirty, small, usually bad smelling one to three bedroom living space with cheap carpeting/hardwood floor/linoleum tiles. The majority of the apartment is a hallway. Bathrooms in apartments are usually half the size of the bedroom(s). There are about five to eight closets in an apartment. There can be up to seven people living in a three bedroom apartment, up to five people living in a two bedroom apartment, and up to four people living in a one bedroom apartment- albiet uncomfortably. One person can also be living out on the porch of an apartment. An apartment usually houses, alongside people, up to ten pets. Pets usually include small rodents, snakes, spiders, lizards, frogs, and fish, but sometimes just dogs, or cats. People in apartments are usually lonely and bored with themselves, and find it necessary to start collections (subconciously, usually) and have many different types of the same thing, such as movies, cds, books, comics, trading cards, animals, figurines, magazines, makeup, nail polish, perfumes, silverware, clothes, toys, paintings, ect. People who live in apartments also like to pretend that they have a lot of money, and will buy expensive, name brand clothes, foods, and assorted things. People who live in apartments will usually have an expensive cell phone, car, television, dvd player, music device (ipod, mp3 player) or cable tv/satellite/internet service. Bedrooms in apartments, when looked at closely, are sad, pathetic, and bug infested. You can own or rent an apartment.

Condomoniums are like apartments in the fact that you can own or rent them. They can be one story or two story. While apartments usually house older people, or families with older people, condomoniums usually house younger people, and families with small children. People who own condomoniums like to boast that they own a 'condo.' These type of people are usually loud, unintelligent, and irritating. Condomoniums, as a rule, are bright, sunny, and warm inside. They take up more space than apartments, and are much more expensive. People who live in condomoniums are very uppity, and will fight over the parking spaces around the building with their address on it. They also are slight tightwads, and don't give out candy on halloween, don't sit on their front porch, don't go outside much at all, and own old, cheap cars, or new, cheap cars, with okay gas mileage. These people like to whine about the president and economy. They also like to whine about gas prices, despite the fact that they maybe bought their gas guzzling 'what a deal' car only a month or two ago. These people usually don't have many posessions, and own a medium to small sized television, and a home phone. Sometimes these people have both a home phone AND a cell phone, but not always. These people usually have a satellite tv service, but no internet service. People in condomoniums usually have very few pets, three at the most. Condomoniums can have up to four bedrooms. A four bedroom 'condo' can house five people, a three bedroom four people, a two bedroom three people, and a one bedroom two people. Men who live in condomoniums usually have a buzz cut, and little to no hair growing on their head.
Condomoniums, like some apartments, have chimneys, and fireplaces. Fireplaces in condos though are hardly ever used.

Condomoniums are sometimes referred to as apartments by some people- HOWEVER, there is a difference. If anything, the AURA of a condomonium is different from that or an apartment.

Hopefully that cleared some things up. It geniunely irritates me when people don't know what they're talking about.